Redesigning the landing page of Learn Tagalog Fast to direct potential users to download the app.

Project Duration

January 21 - 25 (1 week)

My Responsibilities

UX Design, Decider

The team

Henri Villegas. Karla Domingo, Tessa Timbol, Reinard Carranceja (Me)

Why do Learn Tagalog Fast wants to redesign?

In the past, LTF's lessons have been delivered face to face/video call and self-serve lessons via the app. In 2022, all face to face/video call options will be removed and only app-based, self-serve learning will remain. The first 5 lessons are free and a user can pay a small one-off fee to unlock the rest of the other lessons. The app contains a basic quiz that users can use to test their knowledge after each lesson.

Most of our app customers find out about us by doing a search on the app store or in Google. The challenge is to create a redesign of the current landing page that should drive conversions to the mobile application.

Starting out with a map

We start with going through the current map for us to understand the high-level overview of the current flow as a user interacts with it. It helps us to understand the user as they ask questions like "Where do I start to solve my problem" and "What do I need to know".

Our optimistic vision

We started to think what Learn Tagalog Fast will look like in 2 years, in a perfect world. With this goal in mind, we also come up with sprint questions to help us view what hurdles that might prevent us from achieving our goal.

Below are our long-term goal and the sprint questions that will help us achieve this goal.

"In 2 years, LTF will be the top recommendation for foreigners who want to speak and learn Tagalog in the quickest way possible."

  • Can we really compete with existing "learn tagalog" apps?

  • Can we really encourage users to download AND spend money on the app by just reading through our landing page?

  • Can we make an effective landing page with just the current details we know about the app?

Sketching out our vision

Keeping in mind the goal we set and the question we aim to answer in this sprint, we create rough prototypes of what the landing page will look like. From these sketches we voted on which concepts do we really want to see in the prototype to solve one or several Sprint Questions. The top three concepts that we decided on are the following:

App metrics

Gives users evidence-based reason
to believe our claims.

App Features

Gives users an idea of what the app does using visual mockups, descriptions, and testimonials.

Try it yourself demo

Videos can easily give users a sneak-peak of the app and explain the concept and unique selling point more thoroughly

Realizing our vision

Keeping in mind the goal we set and the question we aim to answer in this sprint, we create rough prototypes of what the landing page will look like. From these sketches we voted on which concepts do we really want to see in the prototype to solve one or several Sprint Questions. The top three concepts that we decided on are the following:

Hero header and metrics

We want to emphasize conversational communication in contrast with the word-per-word translation that other learning app offers.

We put the metrics almost at the top because we want our users to show evidence that our app can be trusted and legit. These metrics included the app rating, number of downloads, number of expats taught and number of premium subscribers. So the users really appreciated it, saying that it made the app seem more legitimate,

Why learn with us

After metrics, we have the Features section. First we have the Why learn Tagalog with us, this shows the difference of our teaching style to our customers. This can be a way to show why we are unique compared to our competitors and why they should pick us. 

Features with testimonials

Our customers will be able to have an idea of what the app does by giving them short details to read and a mockup of the app to give them an idea of what the feature looks like. We also added testimonials below each feature for our users to show true feedback from the existing users.

Try it yourself - Demo

These are short clips that the user can watch and try to speak alongside it. These clips can give them a clue on what they will expect when using the app.

Subscription plans

These are the current subscription plans that the user can avail of. We added foreign currency which will be based on what country they are to give them a quick estimate without having to convert.


These come from actual reviews of the app and the clients that use our app. This will give our customers the last final push to download LTF.

View our landing page

Experience our web solution by accessing the Figma prototype. Go full screen to see the full prototype.

Testing our vision out there

After creating our proposed landing page we conducted usability tests with a total of four participants, they are:

  • Foreigners and Filipino natives who’s place of birth is not in the Philippines

  • Interested in learning more Tagalog

  • From United States, United Kingdom, India and Brunei

Our interviewees likes ...

  • After reading through the landing page, all users were convinced to either download the app or recommend it to friends. They felt that the copy and the information was very relevant to them.

  • All users easily understood what the app was about with just the info on the landing page. The prototype was also easier to read and was more digestible.

  • The users felt that seeing metrics above the fold established credibility right away.

  • Users felt that the prototype was more engaging because it was less text-heavy and focused on visuals.

  • The call to action was very visible. They also found that the QR codes to download the app were very helpful when viewing the website on the desktop.

Our interviewees dislikes...

  • One user felt that the prototype wasn’t able to communicate the unique selling proposition and competitive advantages the way the current website did.

  • Most users had mixed opinions about the demo section, as they had different expectations when they clicked it. One user also felt that the video buttons were too small. 

Next Steps

Add a section emphasizing Learn Tagalog Fast’s
unique selling proposition.

Drive more emphasis on the app’s unique selling proposition:
practical lessons, and conversation mastery

Improve the demo section to have visual cues
that can set better user expectations.

Since most of our participants had different
and even high expectations on the prototype

Have another round of user test, with more participants

Gather more users that come from
different countries and demographics.

Add a mobile view of the landing page

Since there is a good chance people could also be using their phones as they look for a language learning app.

Learnings and takeways

Design sprint is FUN

In this project we used a design sprint, with this we have a laid out plan that we will just follow throughout the week. While doing this project we just have fun and finish more early. Overall my team just take on this challenge with a very optimistic mindset. BUBBLE SUPREMACY 😂

 End of case study
🙌 Thank you so much! 🙌

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